Ajudados por várias iniciativas do governo de Manipur, no nordeste da Índia, os criadores de peixes aumentaram substancialmente a produção, mas os cientistas acham que o estado ainda não atingiu seu verdadeiro potencial de aquicultura.
Peter Green, founder of Paxtier – an algae tech innovation newsletter and community – shares his thoughts on the sector’s most promising startups and some of the key emerging trends.
A startup vietnamita de tecnologia de camarão, Tepbac, recebeu recentemente um investimento de US$ 2,25 milhões da Aqua-Spark*, AgFunder e Son-Tech Investment para ampliar sua tecnologia de digitalização da criação de camarão no Vietnã. Angela Tay, associada s…
Oluwasikemi Olabisi is the director of The FarmLady Aquatics Limited, a consulting company that helps prospective and existing catfish farmers through training, mentoring and production of healthy catfish juveniles.
Enos Were, the managing director of Jewlet Fish Farms, is a pioneer who has transformed East Africa’s aquaculture industry by training countless fish farmers, researchers and government officials, as well as developing his own successful independent farm.
Alternative proteins are often cited as being better – environmentally, ethically and nutritionally – than farmed seafoods, but the reality is much more complex and far less clear-cut than some alt-protein evangelists realise.